Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Examples Of Literary Elements In The Necklace - 1375 Words

Many authors utilize literary elements to allow readers to predict the plot, using details, and visualize scenes, using imagery. Two examples of these short stories are â€Å"The Necklace† by Guy de Maupossant and â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty† by James Thurber. â€Å"The Necklace† is about a materialistic woman who faces consequences because of her envious personality and â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty† is about a man who experiences daydreams randomly throughout the day. Although both short stories used literary elements, Guy de Maupassant utilized them for readers to understand and enjoy the story more than James Thurber. â€Å"The Necklace† is a short story of a middle-class woman, Mathilde, who borrowed a necklace from a friend to seem†¦show more content†¦But mine was only paste. Why, at most it was worth only five hundred francs!† (Maupassant 204). At that moment, Madame Loisel, as well as the readers, learn all the debt Mathilde and her husband went through was for nothing. If she hadn’t worried the consequences from the truth, the hard labor could have been avoided. This is ironic because throughout the whole story the necklace represented something expensive and high class, when in reality it was a fake. The Necklace can be described as a story with many detailed and vivid sentences, making each scene come to life in the readers mind. Even though there are many of these occurrences, the most animated example was right after Mathilde and her husband paid for the replacement necklace. When describing Madame Loisel’s hard labor, it is said â€Å"She washed dish es, wearing down her shell-pink nails scouring the grease from pots and pans; she scrubbed dirty linen, shirts, and cleaning rags which she hung on a line to dry† (Maupassant 203). This created a visualization and feeling of hard work and exhaustion, which was exactly what Madame Loisel was going through. The details about her nails, for example, form an image of physical wear down. This is significant because in the beginning of â€Å"The Necklace† it is explained that Mathilde cares deeply about her outward appearance. Because of the expensive necklace they replaced, her materialisticShow MoreRelatedLiterary Elements In The Necklace And The Tiger1509 Words   |  7 Pages Authors have used literary elements to alter and enhance their readers’ experiences for centuries. Short stories are often full of these literary elements, giving the author the power to control and manipulate the emotions of everyone who reads their story. Whether it is through teaching an i mportant lesson about materialism and irony or inspiring thought provoking questions, the use of literary elements can illuminate any story. 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